Domain Search
Domain Generator
WHOIS Information
Reverse IP Lookup
Domain Location
DNS Lookup
Check Domain Availability
Domain Information

Instant Domain Search's WHOIS lookup provides comprehensive information about a domain, including its registrar, registration date, expiration date, and last update timestamp.

Find Domain Owner & Information
Owner Contact Details

Users can access contact details for the domain owner, including their name, organization (if applicable), email address, phone number, and postal address.

Find out Domain Expiry
Technical Contact Details

n addition to the domain owner, WHOIS lookup provides information about administrative and technical contacts associated with the domain, if available.

Check Domain Availability
Domain Status

Users can determine the current status of the domain, such as whether it is active, inactive, pending renewal, or pending deletion.

Find Domain Owner & Information
Expiration Reminders

Users can set up expiration reminders through WHOIS lookup, receiving notifications in advance of a domain's expiration date to ensure timely renewal and prevent unintentional domain loss.

Find out Domain Expiry
Name Server Information

WHOIS lookup reveals the name servers associated with the domain, which are responsible for handling DNS queries and directing traffic to the appropriate server.

Check Domain Availability
Registrar Information

Users can identify the registrar responsible for managing the domain registration, facilitating domain transfers, and providing customer support.

Find Domain Owner & Information
Domain History

WHOIS lookup may offer historical data about the domain, such as previous registrants, registration changes, and registration history, providing insights into the domain's ownership and usage over time.

Find out Domain Expiry
Bulk Lookup

Users can perform bulk WHOIS lookups to gather information about multiple domains simultaneously, streamlining the process for managing domain portfolios or investigating domain ownership at scale.


What is a WHOIS Lookup?

A WHOIS Lookup is a query-based tool that provides information about domain name registrations, including details about the domain owner, registrar, registration and expiration dates, and more.

How does the WHOIS Lookup work?

The WHOIS Lookup tool queries a central database of domain name registrations to retrieve information about a specific domain. Users input the domain name they want to look up, and the tool provides relevant registration details.

What information can I find through the WHOIS Lookup?

The WHOIS Lookup provides information such as the domain owner's name, organization (if applicable), contact email, phone number, registration and expiration dates, registrar information, name servers, and more.

Can I use the WHOIS Lookup to find out if a domain is available for registration?

No, the WHOIS Lookup tool does not check domain availability. Its primary purpose is to provide information about existing domain registrations. To check if a domain is available for registration, you should use a domain availability checker.

Can I perform bulk WHOIS lookups with Instant Domain Search?

Yes, Instant Domain Search offers bulk WHOIS lookup functionality, allowing users to query multiple domain names simultaneously to retrieve registration details for each domain.

How frequently is the WHOIS database updated?

The WHOIS database is updated regularly as new domain registrations are made, existing registrations are updated, or domains are deleted or transferred. However, the frequency of updates can vary depending on the domain registrar and registry policies.

Can I access historical WHOIS records through Instant Domain Search?

Instant Domain Search may offer access to historical WHOIS records, allowing users to view past registration details and changes for a domain. However, access to historical records may be subject to availability and certain restrictions.

Can I perform WHOIS lookups for IDNs (Internationalized Domain Names)?

Yes, Instant Domain Search's WHOIS Lookup tool may support querying for registration details of IDNs, allowing users to retrieve information about domain registrations that include non-ASCII characters or characters from other scripts.

Can I access the WHOIS Lookup tool through Instant Domain Search's mobile app?

Depending on the features available, users may be able to access the WHOIS Lookup tool through Instant Domain Search's mobile app, allowing for convenient access to domain registration details on mobile devices.